Welcome to Creston Baptist Church

We’re so excited that you’ve taken the time to get to know us. Our church is a group of people who are seeking to know God better and to make a difference in the community in which we live.  We hope you’ll join us and help make those goals a reality. 

If you have any questions or would like to contact us, use the Contact Us page or email us at cbc@crestonbaptistchurch.com    

You can also call the office at 250-428-7547. 

Where - 2431 Ash Street in Creston, BC

When - at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings. 


We look forward to seeing you! 

Who We Are

Our mission, at Creston Baptist Church, is to play our part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by engaging in discipling through evangelism, baptizing believers and teaching the Word of God. 

Matthew 28:19-20a   "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (NIV)

Our vision is to reach people in the Creston Valley who do not know Christ Jesus and introduce them to our church family where they will be loved, cared for and nurtured in their walk with God. 

Our values constitute our philosophy of ministry, declare our priorities and shape our decisions as we pursue our vision.  Our core values are based on Acts 2:42 - "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer." (NIV) and on 2 Timothy 4: verse 2 - "Preach the Word, be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction."  and verse 5 "but you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (NIV) and include:

a.  Relevant Bible teaching

b.  Corporate prayer and worship

c.  Fellowship in care groups

d.  Evangelism and missions

e.  Equip the Body of Christ 



What We Do

Our purpose in Creston is to present to those around us the reality of a life lived for Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.  We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus, helping all those we meet to find the peace that only He can give.  In this turbulent world, sometimes it seems as though there is no sanctuary, no place of refuge, no hiding place.  Jesus is that place, that Person Who can provide that peace and refuge.  

When you come into our church, our hope is that you will find a warmth and welcome like no other.  To be greeted with love and respect, no matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done.  None of those things make you less redeemable to Christ Jesus.  We want to reflect the love of God to everyone who enters our church doors!  Greeting Hands

Click to read About Us

Our Services and Times 

Be sure to check the Church Calendar in the menu!  There may be events and changes listed there!  We wouldn't want you to miss something! 

Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am - All are Welcome!  (Children join us in the service during the summer months of July and August.  There is a parent-supervised nursery for babies and toddlers at the back of the church.)

Sunday Night Prayer Service at 7pm - All are Welcome! 




Regular Events


Tuesday Coffee Fellowship at 10am - every Tuesday 

Wednesday Open Bible Study at 2pm - every Wednesday - Library 

Seniors' Fellowship Luncheon - Third Thursday of the month at 10:30am